30 mai 2006

din nou degeaba ...

Dupa ce vineri am stat degeaba toata ziua,
si ieri(luni) la fel ...

se pare ca astazi am la ce lucra.

DAR, pentru ca , da , exista un dar ... se pare ca iar stau "maxim doua ore" degeaba
pentru ca nare cine sa mi spune ce unde si cum ...

OARE de aia e atat de aglomerat totul la sfarsit ?

sent you a video!

Here we see Steve Jobs at a keynote in 1983 showing for the first time ever the famous "1984" ad by Ridley Scott to an exclusive audience. The ad was shown on tv shortly after that only once during the 1984 Superbowl & never aired again & is considered to be one of the greatest ads of all time.

steve jobs

Si un discurs adevarat , chiar daca nu prea se uita la spectatori http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1R-jKKp3NA

steve jobs
